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Hello @RJCODY.. Good afternoon..please pashout out to my beautiful and loving wife CHARITY SANDRA BRAVO of Tayug, Pangasinan -from Rommel Gutierrez. thank you.. And my answer to your brain teaser is “LOVE”



I am easy to lift, but hard to throw. What am I?


The answer is an obvious "Yes", through it sounds weird. You can actually love and hate a single person simultaneously.

Since its about loving and hating, my guess its a person whom you used to love more than your own self ( or you still continue to love him / her. You love that person unconditionally because of the time you have spend together the memories you have are too good. That person is your world irresponsible of with whom you are. This feeling called love is the best.

Now that you hate that person for the desvastation he/ she did to your life and this may include that the change in priorities, change in behavior or just a total snap. This irritates you because you are used to that same person with whom you had so many memories but now the person is changed. You just can't digest…


I open upbeat music and take a cold shower singing while taking a shower is awesome, makes a sound like a great singer, and helps in making life's decisions 😊 Clean my house - the smell and the cleanliness help to change my mood. I go to public place, sit and observe people - it helps to make you realize you and your problems are not as important as you think. I count my blessings and do my gratitude - helps me realize I am very rich, very lucky. I apply 5×5×5 approach to my problem - Does this problem will have any significance in my lufe in the next 5 minutes, 5 days, 5 years.? I will focus on what the solution is if there us one. If so, I will try to forgive that out and apply. If it's to late for a solution, I will convince…

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