Online Advertising
Since internet nowadays is part of peoples' lives and daily routine, online or digital marketing is therefore one of the most effective tools through which brands are exposed to the target customers.
Here are Qabayan Radio's lead in online marketing:
Filipinos are among the top users of the internet and social media platforms all over the world.
In Qatar, Filipinos are the 5th highest population.
Qabayan's website provides position for a web ads banner (980px x 224px) that displays in all pages.
Qabayan's website has a radio and chat plugins that attract listeners to remain in the page, thus banners have maximum exposure potential.
Qabayan's website is in both English and Tagalog, thus it caters to both Filipinos and English-speaking nationals.
Qabayan has other active social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Youtube.
Most importantly, Qabayan Radio is the first and only Filipino radio station in Qatar, hence it is the best place to place online advertising intended to Filipino community in the country.
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